This. This right here has been one of my top 3 goals as a parent that I have wanted for my children since the day they were born. My heart melted...and broke. For this is what they're missing out on with their older brother Matt. These are the moments I wish things were different. These are the moments I wish we had a glimpse of heaven. These are the moments I fight for truth.
It is in these moments where I must put on my spiritual armor and fight back against the subtle tactics of the enemy. The enemy whispers, “See what they’re missing? See how this isn’t fair?” Words like these can entice me to bitterness and to the belief that God isn’t good. Words like these tempt me to wallow in self-pity.
Well, guess what? It isn’t fair, and they are missing out. But there’s something greater than all that. There’s something better. Yes, it’s hard to believe because my heart hurts for them. My hearts hurts for the things we no longer get to experience with their brother gone.
But God’s word comes quickly to mind, and I am reminded that every earthly experience is temporal. While these amazing moments are precious and joyful and treasured, not a single one of them can compare to the joy that’s coming, to the glory that awaits. Grief fights for first place, but joy always, always follows darkness. Joy will always follow darkness when we choose to turn on the Light. I am missing my son, cherishing the present, and looking forward with joy.
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