Dear Matt,

Your Aunt Patty finished the blanket she made out of your shirts and gave it to us this past weekend. Seeing your clothes again after almost 3 years, well, there are no words. Just a deep, deep longing to see you again, to hear your voice, to watch you walk across a room.
Every square I look at flashes a memory across my mind. I remember each and every one of those shirts. I remember the five summers you spent at FCA camp. I remember how you enjoyed the Moondogs' games, and how you loved Trout Lake Camp. I remember Sundays in church, you sitting behind us running the sound board. I remember the back of those shirts, you sitting at the computer programming or playing Minecraft.

Memories are in those shirts. They are just small snapshots of your life, flash photographs in fabric. And I, though heartbroken because seeing them reminds me, once again, of our great loss, am grateful to God for giving us these pictures, these memories. We are blessed that your aunt is so talented and loves you so, that she shares our sorrow and our joy.
With love, from Aunt Patty...and all of us.
Love, Mom
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