We spent the day at Grandma Pat's today (Tues.) going through condolence cards and visiting w/ relatives. Tim's dad's funeral was yesterday. The visitation on Sunday evening was bittersweet. There were many stories told, almost all with accompanying laughter. Laudie was a hard-working man with a gregarious laugh and an ever-present smile. His humor and simple wisdom were remembered by many. Others remembered being chewed out being on the receiving end of his stern lectures after they screwed up improperly performed farm chores or work.
I took a few pictures during the burial at the cemetery, also. It was a moving ceremony. The color guard performed a six-gun salute, followed by an officer playing taps on the bugle, and then having the American flag being presented to Grandma in appreciation for Grandpa's service to our country during the Korean War. We had a good time of visiting with relatives all weekend. As I've said before, thankfully, the visiting was possible because of all the prayers offered up on our behalf praying for our health.
We had thought we would spend this evening, Valentine's day, at a Jason Gray concert, but discovered the newspaper had made an error in the date. It was disappointing, but it did leave more time for visiting. Tim and his siblings and mom spent time going through old photo albums. I saw one of Grandpa and Matt together and broke down crying. Later, I took advantage of Tim's brother Dave's internet connection and hopped on the computer. I was checking my FB when I saw the FB sidebar random status updates. I don't usually pay attention to them, so I was taken aback when I saw that one of them was Cake Boss and that Matt Cherney “liked” it. The amazing thing is this: Just about a half hour earlier, the kids and I had been watching Cake Boss on Grandma's television. Wow. That's what I call a “God-cidence.” I really feel it was God's way of bringing me comfort on this day, reminding me that Matt (and heaven) is not so far away. And even more special that it was on Valentine's day.
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